Water Softener System Installation & Sales in Fairfield, CA

We sell and service water treatment, softener systems and
purification filters in Fairfield CA. Fairfield has very hard
contaminated water.
To confirm this, the Water Division of the City of Fairfield
Public Works Department issues a water quality report that
shows city residents are using water that is not only rated
from hard to extremely hard, but it also contains contamination
levels above Public Health Goals set by the Environmental
Protection Agency of California for lead, bromate and residual
soil runoff.
These levels above Public Health Goals are in addition to
the wide array of other contaminants and chemicals that is left
in the water because it is considered “good enough”. At Water
Softeners Fairfield we do not think you should be exposed to
anything but pure soft water.
Give us a call today for a free water test and you will be
met by a water quality expert who can show you how you can have
pure water.
Water Treatment Systems
As a local company
we rely upon satisfied customers and this is why we spend
countless hours researching water and water filtration
system technology. As a result of this research it was
clear over the years that our water systems offered
the best and most reliable water softeners and water
filtering systems available.
Our systems do not use electricity, are simple to use, and
include a 10-year warranty, three to five times longer than the
competition. The core to this reliability is the non electric
dual tank system. The non electric system eliminates all
settings, timers, and valves that can malfunction and the dual
tanks produce uninterrupted zero grain water.
This is critical because softener malfunction is typically
related to a system regenerating and cleaning itself using
untreated water. A softener cannot regenerate itself and treat
the water it is using for regeneration at the same time. With
dual tanks our systems treat the water with one tank while the
other tank is regenerating. This means that at no time will
your system be exposed to the life shortening effects of hard
Saving Money and Time - Custom Solutions
Using custom systems allows us to save you money as
their broad product line of affordable water treatment systems
allows you to only purchase a system that addresses your
specific water quality issues. There are dozens of possible
water issues in any given city and home. As a result while one
system fits all competitors try to address something for
everyone, We have a specific system allowing you to save
money by not having to pay for features you do not need.
You will also save money with Water Softeners Fairfield on
water, electricity, and salt. Our non electric systems are
powered by water flow saving money on electricity. They are
also fully automatic so they only regenerate when necessary,
not on a set schedule. Therefore if your water use is low or
you are away from home the system is not wasting salt and water
by prematurely regenerating.
You save time and effort with our systems because they do
not have any settings, timers and dials that you have to
regularly monitor. This is a typical complaint with traditional
softeners. Most people do not want to hassle with a water
system, they simply want it to work. This is another problem
with traditional softeners that you will not have with ours.
Traditional softeners force you to know when it is regenerating
so that you do not use your water. Our systems deliver
uninterrupted soft water 24 hours per day because if one tank
is regenerating, the other is fully capable of delivering any
volume of water you demand.
Contact Us For A Free Water Test

When you contact us we will want to meet with you and
test your water before
discussing a specific solution.
This is because water quality, even if within a single city,
varies dependent upon the pipes that the water travels through
to your home.
With a free water test, an on-site inspection, and a
discussion with you we can show you a low cost way to purify
and soften your water.
The Need for Water Softeners in Fairfield Ca
Named after Clippership
Captain Robert H Waterman's hometown in 1859, Fairfield is
home to Travis air force base and located at a midpoint to
Sacramento and San Francisco along Interstate 80 and
Highway 12 in California. With the Napa Valley, Benecia,
and Carquinez bridge just minutes away.
The water supply for Fairfield's more than 108 thousand
residents and 34,184 housing units is provided solely by the
City of Fairfield Department of Public Works. This water is
originated from Lake Berryessa and the Sacramento Delta and
even though treated at the Fairfield Waterman and North Bay
Regional Water Treatment Plants it leaves those plants and
travels through an aging pipe system to your home.
Fairfield is the county seat for Solano County and as such
has the County as one of its largest employers behind the
dominance of Travis Air Force Base. Other notable employers are
Jelly Belly, Sutter Medical, and Westamerica Bank.
Fairfield was originally occupied by the Suisun Indians and
even though the were overrun by the Mexican General Vallejo the
Chief of the Suisun joined forces in cooperation with the
General in later conflicts. The partnership worked so well that
Mexico granted the land to Chief Sem Yeto. The history of how
that grant found its way into the hands of Captain Waterman is
What Is Hard Water and Why Should I Care?
Hard water contains
dissolved rock, the harder the water, the more rock it
contains. Fairfield has water that is rated by the United
States Geological Survey and the Water Quality Association
as being hard to very hard. According to the City of
Fairfield the hardness level of their water is 137ppm.
This means that for every member of your home, if you use an
average amount of water and excluding outdoor use, you have
over 120 pounds of rock moving through you pipes, appliances,
and fixtures each year. For a family of three that amounts to
360 pounds annually, nearly 1 pound per day.
As this dissolved rock travels through your pipes it gather
on couplings, in moving parts of faucets, and gradually clogs
your appliances and hot water heater. In addition to this,
think of the water you drink and how your skin must suffer
under this constant and unnecessary bombardment.
This is why it is important to call us to test the water in
your home. Using the test results we can recommend a solution
that will give you continuous and abundant zero grain
Drinking Water Filtration Systems - Reverse Osmosis

According to the City of Fairfield your water also contains
several contaminants. Some of these, like lead, are far above
the California EPA Public health goals. Water filtering systems
use Reverse Osmosis to purify your water at your home where no
level of contaminants is acceptable when it relates to your
A simple description of reverse osmosis is that water is
placed into a tank and pressure fed through a filter, sometimes
called a membrane, to purify the water at a molecular level.
The level of purity attained through reverse osmosis is
dependent upon the quality of the filter used.
This is important because not all reverse osmosis systems
are alike. We offer an affordable high quality filter that is
specifically designed for the reverse osmosis system that
results in water purity levels far above the industry
Any Brand Service and Repair
We are called upon daily to repair and service water
treatment systems from manufacturers. If you need service or
repair on your system please contact us.
There are many reason a system can break down or not
function properly. From hardness collecting on valves and
fittings to simple electrical or control panel malfunction. We
have encountered, serviced, and repaired every type of system
made and we can approach the problem as experts in the
This experience is critical in water softener service and
repair because it allows us examine problems with already
knowing how your system is designed and the ways in which we
successfully repaired the same problem on the same system for
another customer. This makes the solution more affordable,
quicker, and hassle free.
Call us anytime to discuss your problems, issues, or
concerns. We are always ready and available to help.
Call Joe at: